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Labindia Dissolution Tester : DS 14000 with Peristaltic Pump is a completely automated system with imported peristaltic pump along with sample collector with in-built facility to study the recovery test & rinse the entire sampling path to reduce cross contamination & carryover effects. The 12+2 (6+1 & 6+1) vessel configuration comes with moulded Water Bath which enables comparative studies.

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS14000 (12+2 bowl system) available.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EP specifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Additional Features
  1. Facility to perform the dissolution test using two buffers (buffer changing) to cater the application of enteric coating tablets.
  2. Facility to RINSE the entire sampling path in between sampling time point to eliminate contamination & carryover.
  3. Specially developed cleaning system to clean the entire sampling path after each run.
  4. Split & on-time interval.
Intelligent Sampling System
  1. Intelligent motorized sampling manifold complies with USP requirements Temperature monitoring system automatically records temperature of all the individual vessels at specified time points.
Peristaltic Pump
  1. Bi-directional 12 channel - 24 channel -DS 14000 (12+2 bowl system) peristaltic pump with tubing from ISMATEC, Switzerland.
  2. Imported pump with click-n- go Cassette design along with volume calibration through software.
Sample Collection
  1. Over Head Design for electronic safety & fail safe operation.
  2. Sensor to locate proper position of tray with alarm facility for collection of sample.
  3. For DS 14000 (12+2 bowl system) : 12 x 6 x 2 sets of samples can be collected.
  4. Option of Test-tubes & 1.5ml / 2ml HPLC vials tray are available.

Labindia Tablet Dissolution Tester, DS 14000+ with imported bi-directional peristaltic pump allows accurate & precise sample collection in sample collector. It is uniquely designed to support USP 1, 2, 5 & 6 and is compliant with the latest USP, BP, IP pharmacopeias. Apparatus for Intrinsic test & Stationary basket methods are also available.

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS14000 (12+2 bowl system) available.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EPspecifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Intelligent Sampling System
  1. Automated sampling as per USP Specifications. Sampling tubes are lowered in the media only at the time of sampling and withdrawn immediately after sampling, thus no par t of the assembly contributes motion, agitation or vibration (500, 750, 900 & 1000 ml).
  2. Sampling tubes are accurately moved to the USP sampling position i.e. a zone mid way between the sur face of media and the top of paddle/basket parameters, not less than 1 cm from the vessels wall as selected in the method.
  3. 12 bowls temperature monitoring system automatically measures and records the temperature of individual vessel at specified sample points.
Sample Collection
  1. 12 X 6 X 2 sets of samples can be collected. For more sampling interval, 24 X 6 collection trays are available.
  2. Option of 1.5ml & 2ml HPLC vials is available.
  3. Over Head Design for electronic safety and fail safe operation.
  4. Sensor to locate proper position of tray with alar m facility for collection of sample.
  5. Wide mouth vial to minimise SLS spillover problem due to foaming Characteristics.
Syringe Pump ForAutomatic Dissolution Test Sample Collection
  1. Multi-Syringe Pump system designed for automatic Sample Collection from Dissolution Bowls of Labindia Dissolution Test Apparatus Ds14000+.
  2. Perform Rinsing the sample tubing path, Replenishing the blank media volume to bowls and Sample Dilution tasks (Optional for future development).
  3. Controlled through Labindia dissolution Instr ument Controller with Operation Status Indications on the front panel for user information.
  4. Inert fluid path consisting of Teflon carrier tubing, Gastight Glass Syringes with Teflon Plunger and PEEK body Valves.
  5. Proprietary high-efficiency and maintenance-free Stepper motor drive system.
  6. Long-life 4 port Rotary shear valves with SS Body.
  7. Volume accuracy better than 1%.

Labindia Tablet Dissolution Tester, DS 14000+ with imported bi-directional peristaltic pump allows accurate & precise sample collection in sample collector. It is uniquely designed to support USP 1, 2, 5 & 6 and is compliant with the latest USP, BP, IP pharmacopeias. Apparatus for Intrinsic test & Stationary basket methods are also available.

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS14000 (12+2 bowl system) available.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EPspecifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Intelligent Sampling System
  1. Automated sampling as per USP Specifications. Sampling tubes are lowered in the media only at the time of sampling and withdrawn immediately after sampling, thus no par t of the assembly contributes motion, agitation or vibration (500, 750, 900 & 1000 ml).
  2. Sampling tubes are accurately moved to the USP sampling position i.e. a zone mid way between the sur face of media and the top of paddle/basket parameters, not less than 1 cm from the vessels wall as selected in the method.
  3. 12 bowls temperature monitoring system automatically measures and records the temperature of individual vessel at specified sample points.
Pump System - PP 12
  1. Piston Pump - PP 12 is Microprocessor controlled and is ideal for sample withdrawal from 12 channels.
  2. The Piston Pump - PP 12 with inert ceramic rotor overcomes all absorption issues.
  3. High flow rates of 25 ml / min can be achieved with accuracy better than ¡¾5%.
  4. Rinse function for reducing carryover issues.
  5. Surfactant Media Compatibility.
Sample Collection
  1. 12 X 6 X 2 sets of samples can be collected. For more sampling interval, 24 X 6 collection trays are available.
  2. Option of 1.5ml & 2ml HPLC vials is available.
  3. Over Head Design for electronic safety and fail safe operation.
  4. Sensor to locate proper position of tray with alar m facility for collection of sample.
  5. Wide mouth vial to minimise SLS spillover problem due to foaming Characteristics.

Labindia Dissolution Tester : DS 8000 with Peristaltic Pump is a completely automated system with imported peristaltic pump along with sample collector with in-built facility to study the recovery test & rinse the entire sampling path to reduce cross contamination & carryover effects. The 6+2 (3+1 & 3+1) vessel configuration comes with Moulded Water Bath which enables comparative studies.

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS8000 6+2 bowl system.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EP specifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Additional Features
  1. Facility to perform the dissolution test using two buffers (buffer changing) to cater the application of enteric coating tablets.
  2. Facility to RINSE the entire sampling path in between sampling time point to eliminate contamination & carryover.
  3. Specially developed cleaning system to clean the entire sampling path after each run.
  4. Split & on-time interval.
Intelligent Sampling System
  1. Intelligent motorized sampling manifold complies with USP requirements Temperature monitoring system automatically records temperature of all the individual vessels at specified time points.
Peristaltic Pump
  1. Bi-directional 12 channel -DS 8000 (6+2 bowl system) peristaltic pump with tubing from ISMATEC, Switzerland.
  2. Imported pump with click-n-go Cassette design along with volume calibration through software.
Sample Collection
  1. Over Head Design for electronic safety & fail safe operation.
  2. Sensor to locate proper position of tray with alarm facility for collection of sample.
  3. For DS 8000(6+2 bowl system) : 10x6 or 16x6 sets of samples can be collected. For more sampling interval, 24x6 collection trays are available in the system.
  4. Option of Test-tubes & 1.5ml / 2ml HPLC vials tray are available.

Labindia Dissolution Tester: DS 8000+ with syringe pump is designed for efficient volumetric accuracy with 1 million syringe cycles. Separate module for each syringe ensures less downtime of the system and valves made up of PEEK material provides extended life & functioning of the valves. The 6+2 (3+1 & 3+1) vessel configuration comes with Moulded Water Bath which enables comparative studies

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS8000 6+2 bowl system.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EP specifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Syringe Pump For Automatic Dissolution Test Sample Collection
  1. Multi-Syringe Pump system designed for automatic Sample Collection from Dissolution Bowls of Labindia Dissolution Test + Apparatus DS8000.
  2. Perform Rinsing the sample tubing path, Replenishing the blank media volume to bowls and Sample Dilution tasks (Optional for future development).
  3. Controlled through Labindia dissolution Instrument Controller with Operation Status Indications on the front panel for user information.
  4. Inert fluid path consisting of Teflon carrier tubing, Gastight Glass Syringes with Teflon Plunger and PEEK body Valves.
  5. Proprietary high-efficiency and maintenance-free Stepper motor drive system. Built in Clean function executed at the end of each test to ensure the entire liquid path is clean for the next r un avoiding cross contamination and carryover effects.
  6. Validation protocol to validate the Sample, Replenishing, Rinse Volume.
  7. All syringes & valves operated synchronously for parallel operation.
  8. Zero setting for each syringe.
  9. Long-life 4 port Rotary shear valves with SS Body.
  10. Volume accuracy better than 1%.
Intelligent Sampling System
  1. Automated sampling as per USP Specifications. Sampling tubes are lowered in the media only at the time of sampling and withdrawn immediately after sampling, thus no part of the assembly contributes motion, agitation or vibration.
  2. Sampling tubes are accurately moved to the USP sampling position i.e. a zone mid way between the surface of media and the top of paddle/basket parameters, not less than 1 cm from the vessels wall as selected in the method.
  3. 6 vessels temperature monitoring system automatically measures & records the temperature of individual vessel at specified sample points.
C 3000X6 Syringe Pump
  1. 4-port Multi-Syringe Pump System performs rinsing the sample tubing path, replenishing the blank media volume to vessels & sample dilution tasks.
  2. Volume accuracy better than 1%.
  3. Proprietary high efficiency & maintenance free stepper motor drive system.
  4. Cross contamination & carryover effects are avoided by the Built in Clean function which ensures entire liquid path is clean for the next run.
Sample Collection
  1. 10 X 6 or 16 X 6 sets of samples can be collected. For more sampling interval, 24 X 6 collection trays are available.
  2. Option of 1.5ml & 2ml HPLC vial tray is available.
  3. Over Head Design for electronic safety and fail safe operation.
  4. Sensor to locate proper position of tray with alarm facility for collection of sample.
  5. Wide mouth vial to minimise SLS spillover problem due to foaming characteristics.
  6. Easy positioning with respect to vials or test tube tray for easy changeover.

Labindia Tablet Dissolution Tester, DS 8000+ allows accurate & precise sample collection in sample collector. It is uniquely designed to support USP 1, 2, 5 & 6 and is compliant with the latest USP, BP, IP pharmacopeias. Apparatus for Intrinsic test & Stationary basket methods are also available.

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS8000 6+2 bowl system.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EP specifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Sample Collection
  1. 10 X 6 or 16 X 6 sets of samples can be collected. For more sampling interval, 24 X 6 collection trays are available.
  2. Option of 1.5ml & 2ml HPLC vial tray is available.
  3. Over Head Design for electronic safety and fail safe operation.
  4. Sensor to locate proper position of tray with alarm facility for collection of sample.
  5. Wide mouth vial to minimise SLS spillover problem due to foaming characteristics.
  6. Easy positioning with respect to vials or test tube tray for easy changeover.
Pump System - PP 08
  1. Piston Pump - PP 08 is Microprocessor controlled and is ideal for sample withdrawal from 6 channels.
  2. The Piston Pump - PP 08 with inert ceramic rotor overcomes all absorption issues.
  3. High flow rates of 25 ml / min can be achieved with accuracy better than ¡¾5%.
  4. Rinse function for reducing carryover issues.
  5. Surfactant Media Compatibility.
Intelligent Sampling System
  1. Automated sampling as per USP Specifications. Sampling tubes are lowered in the media only at the time of sampling and withdrawn immediately after sampling, thus no part of the assembly contributes motion, agitation or vibration.
  2. Sampling tubes are accurately moved to the USP sampling position i.e. a zone mid way between the surface of media and the top of paddle/basket parameters, not less than 1 cm from the vessels wall as selected in the method.
  3. 6 vessels temperature monitoring system automatically measures & records the temperature of individual vessel at specified sample points.

Labindia Dissolution Tester : DS 8000+ with Piston Pump & Filter changer is a fully automated system with Piston Pump & Filter changer. It provides ready-to-use samples for UV/HPLC/UPLC analysis. The 6+2 (3+1 & 3+1) vessel configuration comes with moulded Water Bath which enables comparative studies.

Standard Features
  1. Vessel Configuration: DS8000 6+2 bowl system.
  2. Advanced, Micro-Controller based User-friendly, complies with current USP, IP& EP specifications.
  3. Splash waterproof keyboard Alphanumeric polyester soft keys for keyboard.
  4. External vibration free Water Circulator for uniform water circulation, with audible, low water level alarm, with indication on display for safety.
  5. Mono shaft design with automatic adjustment for 25 mm depth setting with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  6. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
Piston Pump-PP08 – Accessory for Automatic Sample Withdrawal - High Pressure Pump System Features
  1. Piston Pump - PP08 is Microprocessor controlled and is ideal for sample withdrawal from 6, 7, 8 channels.
  2. The Piston Pump - PP08 with iner t ceramic rotor overcomes all absorption issues.
  3. High flow rates of 25 ml / min can be achieved with accuracy better than ¡¾5%.
  4. Rinse function for reducing car ryover issues.
  5. Surfactant Media Compatibility.
FilterChanger-FC 08 - Optional Accessory for Inline Filtering of Sample before collection through Syringe Filters Features
  1. Automatic Filter changer FC 08 is Microprocessor controlled and designed to filter 6, 7, or 8 sampling lines simultaneously.
  2. Accessory for Inline Filtering of Sample before collection through Syringe Filters.
  3. FC 08 is used in conjunction with high pressure LABINDIAPiston Pump-PP08 with filtration down to 0.22 & 0.45 ¥ìm.
  4. High Storage capacity – up to 96 filters at a time gives uninterrupted filtered sample collection for 16 Sampling Points.
  5. Individual channel Sensors to ensure filters are in place.
  6. In case the syringe filter is missing, automatic switch-over of valves to collect unfiltered sample, with an indication in the printout.

The new LABINDIA Dissolution Apparatus DS 14000+ provide great versatility and configurability. It fulfils all requirements relating to ASTM & FDA Mechanical Calibration. The state-of-the-art Dissolution Testing with touch screen is elegant in design and user friendly with advanced features. The DS14000 is precision engineered for USP<711> dissolution for ease of use. Allows storage of up to 200 product test run parameters. Diagnostic functionality and validation report of the system is reliable enough for QC applications and flexible for R&D use.

Standard Features
  1. Moulded water bath with 12+2 (6+1& 6+1) vessel configuration enables comparative studies.
  2. Mono shaft design with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  3. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
  4. Automated Tablet dispenser - drops 12 dosage form at single instance.
Low Evaporation Lids:
  1. The conical shape low evaporation recovery lids reduces media loss during long run.
  2. Integrated pre-centered lids; no manual removal or positioning of lids.
  3. This ensures automatic vessel centering and precise positioning of paddle/basket with shaft without any special tool as per pharmacopeia requirements.
Pump System - PP 12
  1. Piston Pump - PP 12 is Microprocessor controlled and is ideal for sample withdrawal from 12 channels.
  2. The Piston Pump - PP 12 with inert ceramic rotor overcomes all absorption issues.
  3. High flow rates of 25 ml / min can be achieved with accuracy better than 1%.
  4. Rinse function for reducing carryover issues.
  5. Surfactant Media Compatibility.
State-of-the-art design:
  1. Easy placement and locking of vessels, the Ease-align system allows the vessels to simply slide into the place (Bionet Locking).
  2. Once placed, vessels do not float even when empty.
  3. Facility to monitor Vessel temp., with an external RTD Temperature Sensor (Pt 100).
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
  1. Audit Trail for all activities with search facility, report generation and printing.
  2. 200 User ID¡¯s with alphanumeric entries of user name, password and role based privileges selection.
  3. Multi-level roles with password protection.
  4. User authentication is per formed for each and every operation done by user.
  5. Customizable PDF report file can be created through print.
  6. USB Printing eliminates the need of serial port to connect with instrument. The user can take printout on any local or network printer as well.
  7. Electronic signature functionality.
  8. Manual Archive and Data Backup facility available.

The new LABINDIA Dissolution Apparatus DS 8000+ provide great versatility and configurability. It fulfils all requirements relating to ASTM & FDA Mechanical Calibration. The state-of-the-art Dissolution Testing with touch screen is elegant in design and user friendly with advanced features. The DS8000 is precision engineered for USP<711> dissolution for ease of use. Allows storage of up to 200 product test run parameters. Diagnostic functionality and validation report of the system is reliable enough for QC applications and flexible for R&D use.

Standard Features
  1. Moulded water bath with 6+2 (3+1 & 3+1) vessel configuration enables comparative studies.
  2. Mono shaft design with easy changeover between Apparatus I & II eliminates routine height validation as per USP.
  3. Paddles, Baskets and Vessels are laser marked with serial numbers for traceability.
  4. Automated Tablet dispenser - drops 6 dosage form at single instance.
Low Evaporation Lids:
  1. The conical shape low evaporation recovery lids reduces media loss during long run.
  2. Integrated pre-centered lids; no manual removal or positioning of lids.
  3. This ensures automatic vessel centering and precise positioning of paddle/basket with shaft without any special tool as per pharmacopeia requirements.
State-of-the-art design:
  1. Easy placement and locking of vessels, the Ease-align system allows the vessels to simply slide into the place (Bionet Locking).
  2. Once placed, vessels do not float even when empty.
  3. Facility to monitor Vessel temp., with an external RTD Temperature Sensor (Pt 100).
21 CFR Part 11 Compliance
  1. Audit Trail for all activities with search facility, report generation and printing.
  2. 200 User ID¡¯s with alphanumeric entries of user name, password and role based privileges selection.
  3. Multi-level roles with password protection.
  4. User authentication is per formed for each and every operation done by user.
  5. Customizable PDF report file can be created through print.
  6. USB Printing eliminates the need of serial port to connect with instrument. The user can take printout on any local or network printer as well.
  7. Electronic signature functionality.
  8. Manual Archive and Data Backup facility available.
Pump System - PP 08
  1. Piston Pump - PP 08 is Microprocessor controlled and is ideal for sample withdrawal from 6 channels.
  2. The Piston Pump - PP 08 with inert ceramic rotor overcomes all absorption issues.
  3. High flow rates of 25 ml / min can be achieved with accuracy better than 1%.
  4. Rinse function for reducing carryover issues.
  5. Surfactant Media Compatibility.

  • Touch screen Display with User friendly User Interface (UI)
  • 6+1 Test Units (One Blank)
  • Practically Unlimited Sample Intervals
  • Individual Cell Temperature Monitoring, Sensor for Individual Cell Detection
  • Temperature Range 20 – 55¡ÆC, Temperature accuracy of ¡¾0.1¡ÆC at 37¡ÆC (Flow 16ml/min)
  • Inbuilt Validation Program for Temperature & Flow
  • Indication of cell blockage during run
  • Vibration free –External Temperature Controller
  • Unlimited Method & Analysis Data Storage
  • Unlimited Users with Individual Login Credentials
  • 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance Software
  • USB, Wi-Fi, LAN Connectivity for Backup & Restore as well as for Printers.

Disintegration test is intended to demonstrate the effective break-up (complete powder formation) of the solid formulation. LABINDIA has introduced a novel Tablet Disintegration Tester for testing the disintegration time of tablets, capsules and other solid dosage forms.
Standard Features
  1. Meets current specification of USP, IP, BP and other Pharmacopoeias.
  2. In DT1000, Single timer for both baskets with single drive.
  3. Specifically designed for use in the quality and production control of normal plain coated tablets & gelatin capsules.
  4. Programmable Temperature & Time.
  5. Molded clear acrylic water bath with illumination for better visibility.
  6. Auto Park out facility.
  7. Capability for dual buffer disintegration test.
  8. Audible, low water level alarm with indication on display for safety.
  9. External temperature sensors available for individual beaker.
  10. Provision to identify the position of disintegrated tablet with laser marked numbers on basket assembly.
  11. Provision to lock individual tablet disintegration time by using external key board with basket numbers.

Friability is one of the testing criteria of mechanical strength of the tablet. Labindia manufactures Friability Tester as per pharmacopoeia. The micro-processor controlled friability tester allows the programming of specific time interval or set number of counts / rotations. The display indicates either the elapsed time or the revolution count as per the selected method. The program also allows the weights to be entered for further calculations.
Standard Features
  1. Meets current specifications of USP, IP and other Pharmacopoeias.
  2. Offers a count and time mode.
  3. Automatic discharge of the of the sample into individual sample tray after completion of each cycle.
  4. 10¡Æ tilting of drums as per USP recommendation for odd shaped tablets.
  5. Easy front loading system.
  6. Supports friability drum and abrasion drum.
  7. Calculation of friability - percentage weight-loss.
  8. Balance interface for sample weight transfer.

Labindia has designed Tap Density Tester, to measure the tapped density of powders, granules and similar products. The tester offers a standardized and repeatable method of measuring tapped volumes of powders. The unit provides users friendly operation.
Standard Features
  1. Designed to meet current USP and ASTM specifications for tap density testing.
  2. Two Tapping Positions for 14mm and 3mm respectively with cylinder holders to hold 100ml and 250 ml cylinders.
  3. The unique simultaneous tapping and rotating motion assures that the material is evenly packed.
  4. Calculates results - Tapped Density, Compressibility Index, Hausner Ratio and Bulk Density.
  5. Balance Interface for sample weight transfer.

Advance Micro-controller based user-friendly state-of-the-art product design with alphanumeric splash waterproof polyester soft keys for keyboard. User interactive software in dialogue mode for ease of operation with protection against invalid entries.Single Station Automatic measurement of tablet parameters - Thickness, Width, Diameter/Length,Hardness and Weight Non-Volatile memory storage of 99 methods with parameters with Alphanumeric entries of Sample Name and Identification Number for authentication.
Standard Features
  1. Advance Micro-controller based user-friendly state-of-the-art product design with alphanumeric splash waterproof polyester soft keys for keyboard. User interactive software in dialogue mode for ease of operation with protection against invalid entries.
  2. Single Station Automatic measurement of tablet parameters - Thickness, Width, Diameter/Length, Hardness, Weight.
  3. Non-Volatile memory storage of 99 methods with parameters with Alphanumeric entries of Sample Name and Identification Number for authentication.
  4. Automatic run can be performed continuously up to 1-99 tablets. RUN can be re-started on power failure or on System Reset with last run parameters.
  5. Linear Displacement 0.8mm/sec with fast advance and return movement of breaking arm saves runtime.
  6. Daily Auto Incremented Run Number and Factory entered CUSTOMER NAME with Instrument Serial Number on report makes system foolproof and GLP complaint.
  7. Two Tier – a] ADMIN, and b] USER password protection for method editing and Validation. 25 Users can be set with Name and password.
  8. Built-in Real Time Clock [RTC] for date and time display and on printout.
  9. Process Stage and Compression Press no. entry, NMT, NLT and Percentage Limit for detected values of Thickness, Diameter/Length & Hardness with Star mark for out of limit values.
  10. Validation/Calibration protocol with verification for Hardness – 3 point Load Cell calibration with Standard weights and Diameter/Length Calibration with Standard gauges.
  11. Quick RUN for Independent Thickness, Diameter/Length, Hardness or All parameter measurement in sequence up to 25 sample tablets with GLP information.
  12. Error indication on display with Audible alarm helps user to trace the problem.
  13. Printer Compatibility for Deskjet, Inkjet & Dot-matrix printer.

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